這款型格Pro Black Series系列擁有Vinvautz最新科技功能,包括3層防UV灰黑玻璃門、防霧氣及LED燈光顯示。酒櫃裏的櫸木板擁有防震功能,能把震動效果減至最低。另外高密度絕緣牆壁確保完全隔熱來保持櫃內恆溫。而酒櫃保安系統設有門鎖,如果櫃門打開超過1分鐘會有關門聲音提示,即使家裏的頑皮小孩也不能打開搗亂。
The sleek and stylish Pro Black Series are equipped with all latest technological features of Vinvautz including triple-layer UV resistant tempered glass, anti-condensation function and LED light display. The fine beechwood shelves act as an anti-vibration function to keep the vibrations to a minimum. Besides, high density insulation walls provide perfect insulation to ensure constant temperature inside the cabinet. The cabinet’s security features a door lock and its alarm will sound after the door is opened over 1 minute, and therefore, the naught kids cannot make troubles for the wine cellar.
Distributor: Gilman Group Limited
Price: HK$8,988
Contact: (852) 2881 0055