Distributor: Nanpu Fine Wine & Spirits International Co.,Ltd.
Special Price: HK$ 145
Contact: 2436 3369/ info@nanpufinewine.com
Antonie Moueix came up with a specific style of wine, full of delicacy. The varietal reveals pure freshness, marked by pleasant boxwood and white peach notes.
Antonie Moueix擁有其特定風格、細緻優雅,呈現出長相思的純淨新鮮,黃楊木和白桃子的風味突出。
Professional Rating專業評分 89
Readers’ Rating讀者評分 87
Color 色澤 4
Aroma 香味 4
Finish 收結 3.5
Balance 平衡 3.5
Complexity 複雜度 4