Casamigos Reposado


The Reposado, aged for 7 months, is soft, slightly oaky with hints of caramel and cocoa. It has a silky texture with a medium to long smooth finish.

Reposado經 7個月熟成,口感柔順、焦糖和可可香味夾雜少許橡木味。它有絲般的質感,餘韻悠長而順滑。

Distributor: WW+S – Woodside Wine + Spirits

Contact: 2815 2231/

Price: HK$ 833

專業評分 89

讀者評分 87

Color 色澤 4

Aroma 香味 4

Finish 收結 3.5

Balance 平衡 4

Complexity 複雜度 3.5


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