Generous Gin is a fresh and aromatic distilled gin based on the original flavour harmony of citrus, juniper and jasmine. The idea behind it was to create a Gin which would resemble a Tree of Life or a Garden of Eden, with very generous, smooth, crisp and delicate aromas, which would as well refresh the classic Gin & Tonic with new fruity and flowery notes. The bottle is made of plain white glass, with a silky-touch finish and a silk-screen decoration, to convey the qualities of richness and elegance of the gin.
Generous Gin是以柑橘,杜松子和茉莉原味製成的蒸餾杜松子酒,其豐富、柔順、清爽而細膩的果香和華麗花香,傳遞出仿似生命樹和伊甸園的飄逸感覺。在玻璃純白酒瓶上,劃畫著典雅的花卉圖案設計,正反映出其豐富內涵和優雅的氣質。
Distributor: Natural Food & Beverages
Price: HK$780
Contact: (852) 9361 7967